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My name is Dan.
I am working as a operations manager in the retail industry.
I am studying a bachelors degree in Computer Science at the Open University.
I help small businesses with copywriting, web design, marketing materials as Super Tasty Solutions.
I buy and sell nerdy things on the internet as Super Tasty Games on eBay & Vinted.
I sometimes write about films on LetterBoxd and used to be a regularly featured writer on GiantBomb, WhatCulture & WarpZoned among others.

Here are some things that I have done:

Scan-dalous - QR code generator

Scan-dalous takes any text or web URL and generates a QR code from it. Scanning the QR code takes the user to either a Google search of the text or direct to the URL.
A smaller, quicker web app project to practice a handful of concepts including CSS transitions and keyframes, the Document Object Model, JavaScript functions and variables, adding and removing classes, a very simple API call and some HTML attributes which were new to me.

Checkmate - To Do List

Checkmate is a simple, web-based to-do list that stores your plans in your browser. Type in your plans, click them to check them off then click the 'x' to delete them.
A expansion in design of the Scan-Dalous with more manipulation of HTML elements in the DOM as well as trying out using local browser store. Learnt a few more styles in CSS as well!

Raincheck - Weather App

Raincheck is a simplistic weather app that generates the current weather and an upcoming forecast in a given location.
Similar design to Scan-dalous and Checkmate with a more complicated back end. Takes the manipulation of HTML elements and adds in API calls and more functions

The Magical RandoMatic Roll-o-tron 3000

What do you do when your are running a raffle at the day job, don't want to buy a tumbler and are totally not activitely procrastinating university work? You solve the problem yourself.
The Magical RandoMatic Roll-o-tron 3000 takes two numbers and chooses a number between them at random. Useful for raffles, board games and trying to remember how the JavaScript Math object works.